Timeless Colors

Timeless Colors create colour effects in the building façade with everlasting attractive colour variations. Creamy white or moss green go particularly well with traditional building styles, while colour nuances such as red or steel blue are often used in industrial buildings.

  • Colour tone with a wood grain to create colour effects
  • Great colour stability and durability
Timeless Colors / Cream White

Timeless Colors / Wine Red

DEC.096 / 47 Cremeweiß / Renolit-Nr. 137905

DEC.096 / 47 Cream White

DEC.027 / 88 Rot / Renolit-Nr. 308105

 DEC. 027 / 88 Red

DEC.907 / 94 Lichtgrau / Renolit-Nr. 2178007

DEC.907 / 94 Light Grey

DEC.644 / 84 Weinrot / Renolit-Nr. 300505

DEC.644 / 84 Wine Red

DEC.068 / 72 Quarzgrau / Renolit-Nr. 851805

DEC.068 / 72 Quartz Grey

DEC.134 / 67 Moosgrün / Renolit-Nr. 600505

DEC.134 / 67 Moss Green

DEC.079 / 78 Stahlblau / Renolit-Nr. 515005

DEC.079 / 78 Steel Blue

DEC.008 / 13 Schokoladenbraun / Renolit-Nr. 887505

DEC.008 / 13 Chocolate Brown
