Industry Digest – February

Our February industry news digest takes you to the first digital edition of BAU Online. We also introduce a new tool to discover the world of modern windows and invite you to take a look at a glass recycling plan in The Netherlands and new rules for public procurement in the Czech Republic. Meanwhile in France, the new Saint-Gobain Tower is the first to receive the top four international environmental certifications, making it a top example of construction sustainability.

BAU, the world’s #1 trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, was forced to organise a digital edition this year. BAU Online took place from 13 to 15 Jan 2021. In case you missed it: you can catch up on the highlights here (in German)

And speaking of going digital: the German Windows & Facades Association (Verband Fenster + Fassade, VFF) and the Association for Quality Windows, Facades and Front Doors (Gütegemeinschaft Fenster, Fassaden und Haustüren) launched an interesting new website that offers advice and information on modern windows. Read more here (in German).
BAU Online 2021 highlights     New digital glass visualization tool

Glass recycling in The Netherlands

Another exciting innovation in the window industry is the digital glass visualizer by arcon, which allows architects and building planners to get a clear first impression of the optical effect of glass coatings. Read the full story here (in German).

Great news from the Dutch glass industry, where the ‘Vlakglas Recycling Nederland’ project was introduced, an ambitious recycling plan for used glass. Read on here (in German). 
In the Czech Republic, an amendment to the Public Procurement Act entered into force on January 1st, which introduces new basic principles that contracting authorities have to respect when awarding public contracts. You can read the full story here (in Czech).

Glass recycling in The Netherlands

The most environmentally-friendly high-rise in France

Two year after its launch, the French Co-Ownership Initiative Plan, which supports the renovation of downgraded apartments buildings, proves to be a big success. For 2021, the French government will double the resources. Read more here (in French).

In Paris, the Tour Saint-Gobain, which was completed in early 2020, achieved the top four international environmental certifications. The tower is the first and so far the only high-rise building in France to do so. Read the full story here (in French). 

Triangular, circular, trapezoidal, … Although most PVC-windows are shaped rectangular, there are plenty of other possibilities. The French union of carpentry fabricant (Union des Fabricants de Menuiseries, UFME) took a closer look at possible variations (in French).

Resources doubled for French Renovation Plan     Saint-Gobain Tower scores top environmental certifications