The EnEV 2014 /

Changes and the Impact on Window Technology

The Energy Saving Regulation sets out thermal insulation standards for residential and commercial buildings. With the amendment to the EnEV 2014, legislators are tightening the regulations for buildings. In principle, the values set out in the regulation must be observed during the refurbishment of existing buildings as well during the construction of new buildings. As proof of compliance with these regulations, the legislators require an Energy Performance Certificate to be issued for the new or refurbished building. The EnEV 2014 replaces the data in the old 2009 Energy Saving Regulation and tightens the regulations. The new regulation came into effect on 01 May 2014. The key changes in the new energy saving amendment relate to new building projects implemented after 2016.

Template for Energy Performance Certificate


Details of the EnEV 2014

The new Energy Saving Regulation came into effect on 01 May 2014. The regulation basically stipulates that from 2016 new construction projects involving residential and non-residential buildings must meet more stringent regulations. The stated objective is to further reduce the annual primary energy requirement and take steps to significantly lower energy consumption.

In summary, the changes to the Energy Saving Regulation stipulate that in new construction projects the energy values of the overall building are to be reduced by 25 % from January 2016. The amendment mainly concerns new buildings. As the 2009 Energy Saving Regulation already laid down significantly more stringent reference values for existing buildings, with any reductions in these values merely resulting in minor improvements, the legislators decided not to further reduce the values stipulated for existing buildings.

The Energy Saving Regulation amendment aims to establish a near zero energy standard for buildings across the EU. The requirements will gradually become more stringent by 2021.

Besides the regulations for the thermal insulation of the building envelope, including the external walls as well as the windows and doors, the EnEV 2014 also addresses the replacement of old boilers.

To ensure that the standards are met, the amendment has also changed the regulations concerning the Energy Performance Certificate and the following applies:

  • there is an obligation to give the energy values of a house/apartment in sales and letting advertisements,
  • the information provided must include the energy efficiency rating if the Energy Performance Certificate was issued after the Energy Saving Regulation 2014 entered into force and if the building is a residential building,
  • sellers and lessors will from now on be obliged to present the Energy Performance Certificate while the property is being viewed. Buyers or tenants must now be presented with the original Energy Performance Certificate or a copy of this in the case of tenants,
  • owners of public buildings that are not occupied by public authorities must display the Energy Performance Certificate in a clearly visible place.

Product overview Windows and Balcony Doors

Differences in residential and non-residential building projects

Legislators differentiate quite substantially between residential and commercial buildings. The basic difference is in the heating of the building. As it can be expected that residential buildings are heated more by their respective use, significantly more stringent threshold values apply here. Through the amendment of the EnEV building developers are, however, granted some leeway. Residential and commercial buildings currently being built, for instance, only have to comply with the values set out in the EnEV of 2009. If a planning permission application for a residential or commercial building was not granted until after 01 May 2014 the requirements of the amended EnEV 2014 then apply. The requirements of the amended EnEV 2014 must apply to a new building project for which planning permission was granted after 01 January 2016. These more stringent requirements mean that the threshold values which previously applied have been lowered by a factor of 0.75 in reference buildings and relate in particular to the windows and window doors installed in buildings. By 01.01.2016 the following reference values will apply to windows, front doors and window doors in residential buildings:

Windows Uw      1,3 W/m2K
Window doors Uw      1,6 W/m2K
Front doors              Ud              1,8 W/m2K

Window doors include window with a flap, folding, sliding of lifting mechanism.


Non-residential buildings

The threshold values for non-residential buildings have also been changed. Here again the date of application of 01.01.2016 will apply to new construction projects. Any building built after this date must meet the new fixed values. Since non-residential buildings are used for different purposes, legislators have divided these buildings into two categories:

  • Buildings in which the temperature is 19 degrees and higher: Uthreshold value: 1.3 W/m²K (as of 01 Jan. 2016 0.98 W/m²K)
  • Buildings in which the temperature does not exceed 19 degrees: Uthreshold value 1.9 W/m²K

From 01 January 2016, the average U-value requirements become more stringent for all transparent structural elements in non-residential buildings. The amendment also applies to curtain walls, light domes, glass roofs and continuous skylights:

  • New value for transparent components/curtain walls: Uthreshold value: 1.5 W/m²K
  • New value for glass roofs, light domes, continuous skylights: Uthreshold value: 2.5 W/m²K

At the same time, thermal insulation for the summer months must also be considered in these buildings. The statutory requirements for the Energy Saving Regulation 2014 are based on § 4 EnEV 2014 as well as on the attachments listed there.

Get more information about the various U-values of Deceuninck window systems!

Differences relating to existing buildings and new buildings

Whereas significantly more stringent requirements regarding the annual primary energy use will apply to new buildings from 01.01.2016 at the latest, the Energy Saving Regulation 2014 amendment does not alter the values for existing buildings. Instead, the values set out in the EnEV 2009 apply to modernising an existing building. The Energy Saving Regulation 2014 comes into force as soon as the refurbishment of existing buildings involves:  

  • the replacement of structural elements,
  • a first-time installation,
  • an installation of internal or external windows
  • a glazing replacement.

 If the building is a residential building, the following values apply:

  •  Windows: Uthreshold value 1.3 W/m²K.

 For existing buildings that are not designed for residential purposes and where the average temperature does not exceed 19 degrees, the following value applies:

  •  Windows: Uthreshold value 1.9 W/m²K.

You will find further information and brochures on the Energy Saving Regulation online on or at one of our Deceuninck partners near to you.

What the EnEV 2014 means in practice

Until now, new construction projects have not needed to be built in compliance with the more stringent regulations. Developers have been uncertain about which Energy Saving Regulation applies to the respective construction project. In principle, the regulations are based on the date the planning permission application was lodged or granted.

If a planning permission application was lodged before 30.04.2014 and permission has already been granted, then the requirements of the Energy Saving Regulation 2009 apply. The same applies to planning permission applications that were not finally approved before 01 May 2014. If the planning permission application was not filed until after 01 May 2014, then the EnEV 2014 legislation automatically applies. The developer is, however, free to comply with the requirements of the more stringent EnEV 2014 and to use these as a basis for the construction project.

For planning permission applications or building notifications that do not take place until after 01 January 2016, the EnEV 2014 will essentially apply to existing buildings as well as the more stringent regulation in the case of new buildings.

Potential fines and certificates  

The more stringent requirements of the Energy Saving Regulation concern in particular the guidelines for the Energy Performance Certificate. These must now be handed over to the tenant or buyer of a property as an original or copy. The procedure for advertising a property has also been changed. Whereas previously it was sufficient to state that an Energy Performance Certificate was available, in future, advertisements will have to include the respective parameters. The lessor or seller also has to make sure that the interested party is able to inspect the Energy Performance Certificate when viewing the property.

Infringements of the Energy Saving Regulation established within the context of inspections or non-observance of the obligation to specify details in property advertisements will result in penalty charges being imposed. Fines will be imposed on both lessors and owners if they do not comply with the obligation to hand over the Energy Performance Certificate. Depending on the severity of the infringement a fine of between 5,000.00 euros and 50,000.00 euros will be due.