Eco-balances confirm the sustainability of PVC windows!
Thanks to their long period of use (50 years and more), their high level of energy efficiency and 100 % recyclability PVC windows rank at the top of the league in eco-balances and eco-efficiency analyses. PVC windows therefore demonstrate a high level of ecological awareness and sustainable development throughout the entire product life cycle. Compared to other windows PVC windows also attain the best values in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. A study carried out in 2005 by the polytechnical university in Barcelona shows that a PVC window with double glazing and a recyclate share of 30 % has comparatively the lowest energy consumption (1.740 kWh) and causes the lowest CO2 emissions (740 kg). It was followed by PVC windows without a recyclate share and then wooden windows, both also with double glazing. The worst values were to be found in aluminium windows without thermal separation. The study took into account the production process, useful life, recycling as well as disposal of waste materials. (see e.g. Recio, J.M.B., Narváez, R.P. & Guerrero P.J. (2005): Estimate of energy consumption and CO2 emission associated with the production, use and final disposal of PVC, aluminium and wooden windows. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).