Subsidy programmes for window replacement
Germany offers a range of subsidy programmes that you can use to save significant amounts money and energy. These programmes include financial support for energy-related modernisation projects, new buildings and individual steps like window replacement. Are you thinking about buying new windows or replacing your old windows? If so, you definitely should keep these subsidy programmes in mind:
Federal Subsidies for Efficient Buildings (FSEB):
In 2021, the German government’s subsidy programmes, including those of Germany’s Reconstruction Loan Corporation (or KfW in German), were placed under the umbrella of the FSEB. The subsidy requirement is energy-related renovation projects. You are eligible for up to €12,000. But the amount for which you qualify may not exceed 20 percent of the costs applicable for subsidies. If you are interested in obtaining a loan, the German Office of Economics and Export Control can provide you with up to €60,000 under this subsidy programmes. The repayment subsidy is included.
KfW subsidy:
The KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau bietet attraktive Förderprogramme für energetische provides attractive subsidy programmes for energy-related renovation projects. The KfW offers the financial support for projects in which an entire house is converted into an efficiency house. You are eligible to receive up to €75,000. But the amount for which you qualify may not exceed 50 percent of the costs applicable for subsidies (max. €150,000). Or a loan is offered for the completion of an individual step. You can receive up to €60,000, including a 20 percent loan-repayment subsidy (max. €12,000).
Subsidy programmes offered by Germany’s states:
Many of Germany’s states offer their own support programmes that complement the federal government’s subsidies. The specific subsidy programmes and the terms that apply to them may differ from state to state. You can contact state authorities, energy agencies and local officials to obtain more information about regional subsidies for windows.